Empower. Protect. Advance.
LCBH is Chicago’s only legal-aid organization that focuses solely on housing justice issues. When you give to LCBH, you join the movement to make Chicago’s eviction process more equitable.
Dear Friend,
Chicago eviction filings are back to pre-pandemic levels of 20,000 annually. This is alarming, but with your generosity, LCBH will be ready to respond.
Your confidence in our programs is what makes me so optimistic for the future.
When you give to LCBH, you join the movement to make Chicago’s eviction process more equitable for renters like John, who was hospitalized and missed his rent payment last year. John’s landlord filed an eviction against him one day before his disability check arrived, which would’ve covered his rent. LCBH took John’s case through the Right to Counsel Pilot Program. John’s attorney sealed the eviction record and negotiated a 90-day move out, giving John enough time to secure safe, stable housing.
Thank you for joining us in the campaign for renters’ rights. An anonymous donor will match any new or increased donations up to $5,000! Give today and double your impact!
Mark Swartz, Executive Director
Please help LCBH advocate for tenants by sending your tax-deductible gift to:
Law Center for Better Housing
c/o Allen Hailey
100 N. LaSalle Street, Suite #2500
Chicago, IL 60602
Planned Giving
A planned gift to Law Center for Better Housing in your estate or long-term financial plan ensures low and moderate-income renters facing eviction have access to free legal and supportive services. Learn more about ways to make a lasting impact on LCBH here. If you have questions, please contact Allen Hailey at [email protected] or (312) 784-3505.
Becoming a monthly donor is a convenient way to donate to those in need with powerful results. Your steady support lets us prepare for every challenge and plan for the future.
Give Online
We recently earned a Candid Gold Seal of Transparency! Check out our nonprofit profile to keep up to date with our impact. Keep this link handy, we want to make sure you always have the information you need to support our work with trust and confidence.